I grew up in Chawton; a small village on the edge of the South Downs. Its claim to fame being the home of Jane Austen for a while. I attended the local primary school progressing to the Secondary school in the nearby town of Alton. Strengths in Mathematics and Science led to me enrolling in Computing, Electronics, Maths and Physics A level courses at the local sixth form college. A peaking interest in the field of electronics brought me to the University of Southampton where I am now studying for an MEng in Electronic Engineering with Artificial Intelligence.
These days I am either wearing a suit or looking like a tramp. I used to look a bit different. Digital cameras became popular in my late teens so I will start from then.
Approximately 17. Use to do a lot of drinking with secondary school mates. Still do when we're together.
Brought a Land Rover when I passed my driving test. Awesome but cost me a lot of money.
Studied electronics at A-level. No maths all hackery. Fun but poor outcomes. I remember this picture because the scope in background is hooked up to an equaliser I made. I was using an MP3 player to input audio but kept busting the headphone socket. In retrospect I was probably drawing way to much current but the hard way is still a way to learn.
Backpacking is great. The outdoors is underrated. Should have some pictures of me hunting with dad but we don't care for carrying cameras.
Mum and dad have always been awesome and still are. I'm 21 now and a fair bit taller than them.