`timescale 1ns/1ps
module spi_slave(
input clk,
input nRst,
input nCs,
input sclk,
input mosi,
input [7:0] txData, // Write to shift reg
input tx, // Raise high to latch data
output miso,
output [7:0] rxData, // Read shift reg
output rx // nCs pass through
reg sclk_last;
reg catch;
reg [7:0] data;
assign miso = (nCs) ? 1'b0 : data[7]; // Show top of shift reg when selected
assign rxData = (nCs) ? data : 8'h00; // Keep output low when shifting
assign rx = nCs;
always@(posedge clk or negedge nRst) begin
if(!nRst) begin
sclk_last <= 1'b0;
catch <= 1'b0;
data <= 8'd0;
end else begin
sclk_last <= sclk; // watch for edges
if(tx) begin // tx high
data <= txData; // latch in data to send
end else begin
if(!nCs) begin // nCs low, chip selected
if(sclk != sclk_last) begin
if(sclk) begin // sclk rising edge
catch <= mosi; // catch data on rising edge
end else begin // sclk falling edge
data <= {data[6:0],catch}; // shift data on falling edge