module timer(
input clk,
input nRst,
input [31:0] period_ns, // Required output period in us
input [31:0] clk_frequency_hz, // Freqeuncy of input 'clk'
output hit // High for one clock cycle with required period
reg [63:0] count;
wire [63:0] top;
assign hit = (count == 32'b0) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0;
assign top = (((period_ns * clk_frequency_hz)/32'd1000000000) - 1);
always@(posedge clk or negedge nRst) begin
if(!nRst) begin
count <= 32'd0; // Reset to known state
end else begin
if(count >= top) count <= 32'd0; // On overlap reset counter
else count <= count + 32'd1; // Count